Discover Our Ministry Areas

Our teachers follow carefully selected curricula that are Biblically-based and Christ-centered. Classes are taught in the Christian Education building during service. On most Sundays, kids come to worship with their parents before being dismissed to Sunday School; on communion Sundays, kids go directly to class before returning to for communion. We welcome the participation of children in worship, reading scripture and sharing their gifts of music and drama. We have a nursery staffed by loving, experienced, female caregivers.

Music is an important part of the worship we offer to God at First Presbyterian Church. Our church is blessed to have gifted singers and skillful instrumentalists who help lead us in worship. We have a chancel choir, a bell choir, and a praise team. Our worship embraces both traditional and contemporary music styles. Fun and fellowship are by-products of the musical and spiritual growth we experience in and through God’s love. We encourage everyone to sing and make music to the Lord with joy!

If you are hoping to nurture the love of God and others in your teens and give them a strong moral compass, you’ve come to the right place. We incorporate our teens into the larger church family by inviting teens to serve alongside adults in worship, in other church ministries, and in the wider community. Teens join adults in Sunday worship and in our after-worship Sunday School class. We look forward to re-establishing junior and senior high youth groups.

Jesus calls us to grow as we follow Him and to reach out to others and share the love of Christ. We continue the work Jesus began and to which the church is called - sharing the Good News in both word and deed. The Grow Team leads us as we share the Good News in a number of ways, including mission, evangelism, community outreach, and Christian education. Everyone - whether young, old, single, married, widowed, or divorced - is invited to grow and share together.

As people walk through life, sooner or later, everyone needs a little help! Our Care Team (one of four ministry teams) supports and guides individuals, couples, and families with life-giving care as they navigate through change in every season of life. At First Presbyterian Church, you don’t have to go through it alone, whatever “it” is for you right now. We are here to listen, and together with faith and by seeking God's wisdom we can help you take the next steps.

The Gather Team (one of four ministry teams) is designed to promote the building of relationships with God and others whenever we gather in worship or to share meals together. The Gather Team is responsible for worship, music, multimedia, and fellowship gatherings. Everyone, regardless of age or status, is welcome on all occasions and also to be a part of the planning at Gather Team meetings.

Pacific Camps is a wonderful Christ-centered ministry for kids operating on our church campus each weekday from 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. Pacific Camps offers day care for smaller children, pickup and drop off at schools for elementary-aged kids, help with homework, a fitness lab, and summer camp. For more information see: